We empower your entire organization for an effective digital transformation. Our particular strength lies in the fact that we shape the interaction between people, companies and technology with foresight.

Effective transformation succeeds because we design and orchestrate it holistically. With our Lumturo Digital Transformation Compass ®, we use a well-founded, science-based instrument for in-depth analysis in our support. The Lumturo digital Transformation Journey shows how we shape the overall process.

We support you in carrying out your change projects professionally and successfully. We contribute our expertise and adapt techniques, procedures and experience to your organization. With enough distance to also address unpleasant issues, modestly with regard to our importance. Whether as an active companion in the organization on site, or as a sparring partner for your internal change management team, we are flexible, innovative and courageous at the same time.

Actively shape the digital future of your company as a board member with a strategic view.

As a change agent, you are jointly responsible for the success of change projects and developments. Provide situational support to the management. The Board of Directors and the Executive Board work together to shape change and thus a successful future. Marco Petoia, certified HSG board member, will accompany you as a professional in the areas of digital transformation and change management.

Boards of Directors and Management Boards

Was Kunden über uns sagen:

Es ist Marco Petoia auf eine sympathische, professionelle und kompetente Art gelungen, den Change Prozess aufzuzeigen, durch (Selbst)Reflexion zu be- und erleben und für die Rolle als Coach zu transportieren.
Nadja Fuchs, Bereichsleiterin Coaching und Mtgl. Geschäftsleitung
Marcel Härtlein, Global Head Digital Transformation at Emmi Group
Unser Unternehmen (Emmi Group) befindet sich in einem umfangreichen digitalen Change Prozess. Dr. Roland Förster von Lumturo unterstützt mich in diesem Prozess als Sparringpartner. Mit ihm reflektiere ich Strategie und Taktik, um Entscheidungsträger im Unternehmen für die anstehenden Veränderungen zu gewinnen. Ich schätze diesen sachlichen und professionellen Austausch sehr.
Marcel Härtlein, Global Head Digital Transformation at Emmi Group